
Should You Be Allowed to Invest in a Lawsuit?


In recent years, investors have started buying shares in other people’s
litigation proceedings. Are they warping the legal system in the process?

The Miller quick coupler comes in a few different sizes. The one I tried out has the proportions of a laundry bin and weighs nearly 700 pounds. It allows the operators of hydraulic digging machines to switch buckets without ever leaving the cab. Two flanges rise from its sides, supplying it with the Volks­wagen-like curves that inspired its nickname, the Bug. The flanges are drilled clean through with four holes set inside four bosses; beneath the front pair of holes are two upturned latches, like the open ends of two wrenches. Other than its poppy-red color, the device appears to be an ordinary specimen from the menagerie of heavy-duty construction equipment…

Should You Be Allowed to Invest in a Lawsuit?

Categories : Uncategorized

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