
Morning Agenda: Peter Thiel’s Secret War With Gawker


PETER THIEL’S SECRET WAR WITH GAWKER | Peter Thiel, who helped found PayPal and was one of the earliest investors in Facebook, is waging war against Gawker Media,
Andrew Ross Sorkin reports in DealBook. In 2007, Gawker’s Valleywag blog published an article headlined, “Peter Thiel is totally gay, people,” and he has said posts that it has written about his friends and others have “ruined people’s lives for no reason.” The reporting drove him to fund a team of lawyers to find and help “victims” of its coverage in their cases against the publication.

“It’s less about revenge and more about specific deterrence,” he said on Wednesday in his first interview since his identity was revealed. “I saw Gawker pioneer a unique and incredibly damaging way of getting attention by bullying people even when there was no connection with the public interest.”…

Morning Agenda: Peter Thiel’s Secret War With Gawker

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