
How Can CRE Industry Attract More Women?


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“Back in the 80s and 90s, we began to see a big shift in the opportunities available to women.”

MIAMI—Last week, I wrote an article with a pointed question in the headline: Why Do CRE Women Make Less Than Men? By making less, I mean less money.

“Back in the 80s and 90s, we began to see a big shift in the opportunities available to women,” Marti Mang, senior vice president of corporate lending at TotalBank and CREW-Miami’s president, tells “When I started my career, women were making 60 cents to every dollar a male was earning and today, we make 78 cents for every dollar a male counterpart makes.”

So the question is this: What effort is CREW-Miami making to influence and attract more women to an industry likecommercial real estate that has been historically dominated by men—despite the pay discrepancy?…

How Can CRE Industry Attract More Women?

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