
Here’s What China’s Rescue Fund Is Buying to End the Stocks Rout


A high speed train sits at Wuqing Railway Station in Tianjin, China.

A high speed train sits at Wuqing Railway Station in Tianjin, China.

Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg

China Securities Finance Corp. has quickly become one of the most influential investors in the ChineseSTOCK MARKET, with $483 billion of firepower and the potential to add $322 billion more.

As a linchpin of the government’s market rescue effort, the agency has almost unmatched ammunition toMOVE mainland share prices. So what exactly is it buying with all that cash?

CSF’s silence on its strategy means the full picture is unclear. The agency is, however, leaving behind a few clues. Thanks to Chinese disclosure rules for large shareholders, exchange filings reveal the stocks in which CSF has built a major stake…

Here’s What China’s Rescue Fund Is Buying to End the Stocks Rout

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