
Convicted Insider-Trader’s New Book Not Titled ‘Take The Damned Deal’


Michael Kimelman didn’t have to go to prison. He could have accepted the late lamented Preet Bharara’s offer of probation and never seen the inside of the Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp. But Kimelman was convinced that he hadn’t actually committed insider trading, and naively believed that mattered back in the heyday of such prosecutions. And so he got to enjoy the mundane solitude of minimum-security prison life, filling the hours by writing an 800-page memoir entitled—in spite of his protestations of innocence—Confessions of a Wall Street Insider and since whittled down by 550 pages or so.

Kimelman already told us of how awful prison is, and how if the average American could just get him- or herself convicted of insider-trading and sent to one, they wouldn’t tolerate it. But allow him to expand on the subject:

Convicted Insider-Trader’s New Book Not Titled ‘Take The Damned Deal’

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