
By 2018, 1 in 3 Construction Jobs May Be Green


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Fedrizzi cites green building’s “massive role” in the construction sector.

WASHINGTON, DC—Green building will account for more than one-third of all US construction jobs by 2018, according to a study prepared for the US Green Building Council by Booz Allen Hamilton. The 2015 Green Building Economic Impact Study also finds that green construction is growing at a faster annual pace than non-green construction, and will continue to increase.

Specifically, the study projects that green construction will increase 15.1% year-over-year between now and ’18, with annual spending projected to increase from $150.6 billion this year to $224.4 billion in 2018. Residential green construction spending is expected to grow from $55 billion this year to $100.4 billion in ’18, representing Y-O-Y growth of 24.5%, while commercial green construction spending is estimated to grow from $95.6 billion in2015 to $123.96 billion in 2018,reflecting Y-O-Y growth of 9.76%…

By 2018, 1 in 3 Construction Jobs May Be Green

Categories : Uncategorized

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