
Social Progress Index Takes Wider View of Economic Success


Over the past eight decades, gross domestic product has emerged as the chief measure of a nation’s progress. It measures economic output relatively well, but misses out on other important factors that help determine a nation’s well being.

The Social Progress Imperative has been trying to fill in this blank with is own measure of the hierarchy of needs, and on Thursday released its third annual Social Progress Index, a comprehensive reckoning of how more then 130 countries fare in providing for their residents not only basic needs like food and shelter, but provide for their wellbeing and civil rights.

“We need something that focuses on social and environmental indicators, not instead of but as well as, alongside GDP,” said Steve Almond, global chairman at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, one of the firms involved in the effort, this morning on the MoneyBeat show…

Social Progress Index Takes Wider View of Economic Success

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