
Paul Tudor Jones Brings His Millenarian Warnings, ‘End Is Nigh’ Signs To Goldman Sachs


Not that anyone’s been listening, but Paul Tudor Jones has been warning that winter is coming for some time now. Worse, a decade of easy moneyand the ill-considered, scattershot economic policies—if you can call them them—of the current occupant of the White House and his band of goons are conspiring to make it a nuclear winter. Echoing his favorite author in a little chat with Lloyd Blankfein, of all people, Jones notes that we cannot escape the inexorable tides of history, and that when the end comes, all of the private security guards and boom gates and speed bumps will not suffice to protect the people of Belle Haven and their ilk from the revolutionary masses

Paul Tudor Jones Brings His Millenarian Warnings, ‘End Is Nigh’ Signs To Goldman Sachs

Categories : Finance

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