
This Hedge Fund Manager Bets He Can Dull Your Sweet Tooth

Rob Goldstein’s Crave Crush mints temporarily make sugar taste awful.
Courtesy Crave Crush

It started with a Nestlé Crunch bar. One night in 2012, Rob Goldstein returned from a New York kickboxing gym to his Upper East Side apartment and ate a healthy dinner. Then he saw the chocolate, which his son had left on the kitchen table. One bite quickly turned into eight. “I don’t know what came over me,” he says. He decided to find out. If he could reset his taste buds to how they were before that first bite, he thought, his willpower ought to stand a better chance.

Since 1989, Goldstein has been a part of one of the most successful teams on Wall Street. He’s the right hand to Joel Greenblatt, whose hedge fund, Gotham Capital, posted annualized returns of more than 50 percent before returning money to clients in the mid-1990s. After the fund closed, Greenblatt and Goldstein continued to invest their own wealth, famously seeding Dr. Michael Burry, the hedge fund manager profiled in The Big Short, who made a fortune in the financial crisis because he’d bet against mortgage bonds…

This Hedge Fund Manager Bets He Can Dull Your Sweet Tooth

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