
How the Global Economy is Affecting US CRE


With 2,000 attendees and an outstanding speaker lineup, you can’t afford to miss RealShare APARTMENTS in Los Angeles on October 21-22.

Smith: “The best way for the industry to plan ahead is to conduct scenario analyses.”

SAN DIEGO—Given ‘terrible’ economic conditions overseas, the US is where investors around the world want to be, economist and leading economic forecaster James Smith, Ph.D., tells Smith will be a keynote speaker at the annual Trigild Lender Conference October 14-16 at HOTEL DEL CORONADO here, discussing US and global economies. We caught up with him for an exclusive look at what he sees as the key global issues affecting the commercial real estate industry. Register and learn more about panels and speakers at the Trigild Lender Conference at In a nutshell, where do you think the global economy is heading?…

How the Global Economy is Affecting US CRE

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